Wednesday, April 7, 2010

See ya in another life, brother!

What a fabulous episode last night! I’m still working on my recap of “Happily Ever After” but I thought I’d give y’all something to think about while you wait!

Back in “The Constant” Desmond’s consciousness jumped back in time to various points in time with no knowledge of his future or contextual understanding of the time he was occupying. When awake on the freighter he had no memories of the island or any of the people surrounding him. As far as he was concerned it was 1996 and he had no idea what was going on. Once he made contact with his Constant (Penny) he regained his memories and stayed firmly planted in 2004.

Earlier, in “Flashes Before Your Eyes,” Desmond became unstuck in time following the hatch implosion. Here he had full memories of all past events leading up to the hatch’s implosion, and had every intention of changing the past. However, as Eloise informed him, the universe will always course correct itself – there is no way of escaping one’s fate.

This time around, Sideways Desmond caught a glimpse of the original timeline when rescuing Charlie and in the MRI machine. I think it’s fair to say that the glimpses didn’t provide any real knowledge of the other side, but more of a feeling – love. He knows that he needs to be with Penny, but do we think he has a full understanding of their original timeline relationship? Desmond’s new mission in the Sideways-verse seems to be to track down Oceanic flight 815 passengers and help them connect to this feeling – to find their missing love (their “constants”). He is doing this, however, without full consciousness of the original timeline.

On the contrary, the Desmond now hanging out with Sayid in the original timeline has knowledge of both the Sideways-verse and this timeline. What is he going to do with this information. Will Desmond continue gaining knowledge of the Sideways-verse indefinitely? How exactly is it going to play into Widmore’s plan?

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So there’s a whole bunch of words with no real “theory” evolving, just some questions to ponder until I’m back with a full recap!

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