Friday, January 15, 2010

Bones ~ The X in the File

Our X-Phile hearts are still a flutter with joy from this episode. Personally, I think it shows great restraint on Bones’ part that they managed to wait until the 5th season to throw out an X-Files themed episode, and a pretty good one at that! I have to admit that at some point the episode seemed a little too full, and my focus got a little lost between the case, the Roswell side of the investigation, the Jeffersonian side of the investigation, the Angela/Wendell romance, and the Hodgins jealousy issues, but for the most part we really enjoyed this one.

Quick recap of the case: A UFO watcher in Roswell stumbled upon a body in the dessert that looked distinctly alien (spoiler alert: it wasn’t). It turns out that the body was of a female fellow UFO nut, who as it turns out was having an affair with the guy who discovered her. The girl (or “El Crazerita” as the shot gun toting land owner, played by Patty the daytime hooker from My Name Is Earl, called her) was in the UFO business for the money, hoping to make a big discovery that will pay off big. Not so luckily for her, the discovery she made wasn’t so Alien as it was corrupt (illegal dumping of battery waste in Mexico). But it wasn’t the lover or the company that did her in. It was Langly from The X-Files! Or rather Dean Haglund playing a cafĂ© owner – but let’s just continue calling him Langly, shall we? He thought that the footage El Crazerita filmed of the battery dump was genuine Alien encounter footage. One thing leads to another, and the girl gets a head full of ball bearings courtesy of a toy zip gun.

Best Moments:

  • The X-Files theme ring tone coming from the cell phone dropped near the alien looking body. I knew it was coming thanks to the commercials, but I laughed so hard anyway.

  • Brennan screaming as the “alien” body appeared to be rising up in the MRI machine, and Booth drawing his gun only to have it fly at the machine.

  • Hodgin’s experiment to determine what type of weapon was used to shoot the ball bearings into the victim’s head. He got a little too much enjoyment out of placing wigs and photos on the melons to make them represent himself, Wendell, Cam, and Angela.

  • Booth convincing Brennan that aliens might be nice anthropologists like her.

Bonus trivia: The children’s show Booth mentioned, Rocketship 7, was hosted by David Boreanaz’s father.

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