Tuesday, January 26, 2010

TV Blind Dates ~ Part 2

Here is the second installment of randomly matched TV pairings. See Part 1 for more details and the first five match-ups.

Echo (Dollhouse) and Michael Scott (The Office)

Common Ground: Somewhere amongst all of those personalities floating around in Echo’s head there has to be someone with mad managerial skills and at least a passing knowledge of paper products. At varying points in her doll evolution Echo has had qualities that Michael would be sure to like: hard and domineering (like Jan), a playful dork (like Holly), and childlike wonder (like . . . himself?).

Possible Conflicts: Echo’s personality changes so often that’s impossible to keep track of her likes and dislikes, which I’m sure would be challenging in a relationship. Plus Echo is much too focused on her mission – no time for dating. Not to mention the fact that at any moment she could glitch and start kicking the crap out of Michael.

At the end of the date: 90% probability that Michael will think they are going steady, but only a 3% chance that they were ever see each other again.

Liz Lemon (30 Rock) and Dexter Morgan (Dexter)

Common Ground: Both of their jobs (plus Dexter’s dark passenger) require long hours and a lot of night work. Honestly, that’s about all I’ve got for these two!

Possible Conflicts: Despite having no similar interests Liz would be thrilled to be dating a handsome guy like Dexter who doesn’t mind her devotion to her job, and Dexter would appreciate the free time to take care of other priorities. Eventually, though, Liz would stumble upon his little secret and there would be no amount of “nerts!” or “sharkfarts!” that could save her.

At the end of the date: 72% chance of a second date. Likelihood that Dexter wouldn’t be the first serial killer Liz has dated: 35%.

Wilhelmina Slater (Ugly Betty) and Jeff Winger (Community)

Common Ground: Both are natural leaders. They are charismatic (when necessary) and attractive. They set trends and can be very persuasive.

Possible Conflicts: If Jeff was still a fast talking lawyer, he might have had a brief shot with Wilhelmina, but as a community school student? Please – she wouldn’t look at him twice. His lack of money, power, and ambition would be an insult to her.

At the end of the date: If someone managed to trick Wilhelmina into the date and forced her to stay, than there’s a 60% chance of a one night stand, which would be followed by a swift cover-up.

Sarah Walker (Chuck) and Richard Castle (Castle)

Common Ground: Both are worldly and well traveled. They would be worthy fencing opponents. They both thinking well on their feet in high pressure situations.

Possible Conflicts: Regardless of whether Sarah is there undercover protecting him or there as her genuine self, her presence would inevitably turn out to be only temporary. She serves her country first and herself last. At this point in Castle’s life I like to think he’s moved past the casual flings he’s most known for – he has to think about Alexis, after all.

At the end of the date: 28% chance of a second date. 100% chance that Sarah is hiding a knife somewhere you wouldn’t expect.

Betty Suarez (Ugly Betty) and Don Draper (Mad Men)

Common Ground: They both work in New York City in high pressure jobs. Both of their jobs are affected by public opinion in one way or another. Don would appreciate Betty’s pluck and determination. Betty is an excellent listener, which is something Don could certainly use if he was willing to open up to her.

Possible Conflicts: The age difference wouldn’t mean a thing to Don (he’s had younger), but it would probably be weird for Betty. Also, Betty wouldn’t stand for all of that cheating – and you can’t ask Don to change.

At the end of the date: Only 11% likely to have a second date, but there’s a 79% chance that Don will offer Betty a job because he likes her spunk.

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