Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chuck Versus the Nacho Sampler

Chuck burning an asset and lying to Ellie with ease? Our little spy sure has come a long way since the Sarah first walked into the Buy More. Speaking of which, how great was it to see the “Vicki Vale, Vicki Vicki Vale” moment again not once, but twice? This week Chuck had to get information from an asset by pretending to be his friend, which wasn’t too difficult because the guy was basically Chuck, but a bit more of a loser with a hint of douchiness. Sarah was insistent that Chuck wasn’t ready, but by the end of the day it became evident that Chuck had indeed changed. His initial instincts were to let the asset go, give him a chance to run, but logic won out as he tranqued Manoosh (or “Ma-douche” as we started calling him) and then handed him over to CIA custody for his protection. It was the right thing to do, and it would have happened whether Chuck agreed to or not, but seeing Chuck start to loose the innocence and nice-guy attitude is troubling for Sarah. He’s a real spy now. Johnnie Walker and all.

"He's turning into a spy. That's a good thing." -Casey
"Is it?" –Sarah

In the B-plot this week, Morgan has fallen instantly in love with Hannah and had Jeff and Lester put their stalker skills to work to find out all of her likes and dislikes. Likes: French films, classical music, and sushi. Dislikes: Chuck constantly disappearing to the Yogurt shop. He tries to impress her filling his office (and by office we mean a janitor’s closet where he has to crawl over his desk to sit down) with everything she likes, and was doing pretty well until he was thrown for a loop when Hannah mentioned Chuck’s recent flight to Paris.

Over in the C-plot, Awesome is having serious difficultly lying to Ellie about Chuck’s secret life. As we saw a couple of weeks ago, Awesome isn’t exactly the world’s best liar (“Oh my god, you decapitated a bear?”) – which makes him a crappy spy, but a super husband. Due to Devon and Chuck’s shady behavior, Ellie becomes convinced that they are keeping a secret from her.

B-plot, meet C-plot. Morgan is also sure that Chuck is hiding something, so he puts his “best men” to work stalking Chuck. This can only end awesomely for Jeff and Lester. And by awesomely, I mean they’ll probably get their asses kicked . . . again.

Slow-mo wind machine entrances of the night: We have a three way tie! First we had the flashback to Sarah’s first Buy More entrance ever (“Vicki Vale, Vicki Vicki Vale”). Hannah also got her own special windy entrance for her first day on the Nerd Herd. And of course, we had Sarah’s entrance in the “Frak off” t-shirt. Speaking of which . . .

Most blatant appeal to the show’s geek fan base: Sarah’s “Frak off” shirt, which showed off a significant amount of skin (See above picture).

Jeff’s best line of the night: "It's my constitutional right to fornicate"

Lester’s best line of the night: "Next hire, I want you to find me a wife. A woman of color, preferably Padma Lakshmi."

Least convenient way to flash: Manoosh’s intersect sunglasses which carried at least the kung-fu ability seems pretty snazzy at first. That is until you get in to a fight and realize you left your sunglasses in the car! Or you sit on them! Sure you can take them off and not be trapped in the spy life like Chuck, but in the end isn’t having endless amounts of information and fighting skills in your brains much more convenient than eyewear? And what about when that style of sunglasses go out of fashion. You would look the fool! Then what, Ma-douche?

Watch out for next week when Hannah and Chuck make out, and bad guys all think Chuck is really pimp.

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