Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How I Met Your Mother ~ Rabbit or Duck

I’m so glad that this week’s episode heavily featured HIMYM’s clever Super Bowl ad (shown above). We happened to be tuned in to the Super Bowl when this aired and called immediately for our date with Barney Stinson (which is set for MacLaren's at 3:45 am Monday, October 12, 2016 – jealous? What do you mean everyone got the same message????). For the actual episode they wisely replaced the 877 number with a fake one. Barney spent all episode being haunted by his magic phone, with its “Turkey In The Straw” ring tone slowly driving him mad with the promise of an even hotter girl. Even Ted couldn't resist the siren call of the magic phone, and ends up ditching a perfectly awesome girl that Lily and Marshal “arranged-marriaged” him with for Valentines Day (a girl they got from answering the magic phone) for the promise of an even hotter girl around the corner. Question: Are we to believe that not a single homely girl called that phone?

Meanwhile, Robin is reluctantly going on a date with her jerk co-star, Don. Well, she seems to think of it as a date, but everyone else think that she just WANTS it to be a date, which Robin vehemently denounces. The group says that even though she first saw him as repulsive, so totally wants him now. And thus began one of the greatest arguments of the whole series: Rabbit or Duck.

The premise of the picture above is that at first you may see a rabbit, be completely convinced it’s a rabbit, but one day you would look at it and you suddenly see a duck! (For the record both Courtney and I agree that we always see the duck first when we see this picture). Ted surmises that while Robin may have seen Don as a rabbit at first (something she didn’t want), she now sees him as a duck (and totally wants to jump his bones). Marshal agrees, except he says that the rabbit is the thing you want, not the duck. Thus begins the what older Ted describes as one of the most heated argument the group has ever had, where everyone argues over which is better, rabbit or duck. This is a thrown down, screaming, time elapse, epic argument. At the height of the argument, Marshal argues that the rabbit would prove its superiority if put in a box and forced to fight with a duck.

[both screaming]
Ted: Why don't we just do that?
Marshall: Because it's illegal, Ted!
Ted: Only if we bet on it, Marshall!

In the end, probably hours later, the group finally wears down Marshall and forces him to admit that ducks are better. It’s moments like this that remind me of why I love HIMYM so much.

So, Robin ends up going to Don’s apartment, where she believes there to be a gathering of people (with Ted as backup), only to find Don pulling THE NAKED MAN!

Don: It's called the 'naked man' - I read it about on some guy's blog.

Rabbit. The next day at work, however, Robin is surprised to find an apologetic and sincere Don, who has even gone as far as to put on pants for her (he normally donald ducks it).

Robin: Ah, duck.

Lest we forget, one of the best things about this entire episode was the return of Ranjit! Barney hired him as his personal chauffer to help him deal with the high traveling demands of the magic phone. We died when Ranjit picked up Barney and carried him out of MacLaren’s at the end of the episode. Ranjit is the man, always there when you need him!


Barney: I've enlisted Ranjit's services as my personal driver because for the next week I'll be sleeping with hundreds of women and I don't want to take the subway because, you know - germs.

Robin: I hate him - I just want to attack him, rip his clothes off, and spank his little bottom until it turns red - Shut up

Barney: Keep your eyes peeled for a red sweater. Based on her texts, she's dirty, dyslexic, and wants to 96 me.

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