Monday, February 1, 2010

Dollhouse ~ Epitaph Two: The Return

The end of a Joss show – it’s kind of a surreal experience. While Courtney is no stranger to a Whedon series finale, this was my first time going through it live (I watched Buffy, Angel, and Firefly on DVD). While it would be easy to rant and rave about how Dollhouse was never given a fair shot, that it had a crap time slot from the very beginning, and Fox just didn’t seem to get it half the time . . . but instead I’m going to be thankful. Yeah, that’s right. I’m thankful that we were given a second season, when it would have been perfectly understandable from a business perspective to have cancelled it after the first. I’m thankful that the second season got better and better with each passing episode. Finally, I’m thankful that Joss was given enough warning to craft a real ending for the series.

Most redeemed character: Topher, without a doubt. He began the series void of a conscience, completely narcissistic, and annoyed the crap out of some viewers. People tuned in expecting him to be the Xander of the series. Not quite. In the end he was broken, driven crazy by guilt, but he alone was the one that could save the world. Sure, his tech began the “brain-pocalypse”, but he would be the one to end it – sacrificing his own life in the process.

“I can bring back the world.” ~ Topher

Most sudden, but entirely expected death: Paul Ballard. In grand Whedon tradition, it was a stray bullet in a battleground that killed Paul in less than a second. There was no build up, and no time for a response. Truthfully, I never expected him to make it to the end. He fell into the category of “acceptable losses” that we had listed before the episode began (for the record, Topher was absolutely not a part of that list).

Most surprising ally: Alpha! Who knows what led to Alpha reigning in his craziness, putting aside his Echo obsession, and fighting the good fight. I’m just glad to have him along for the ride. Anyone else get a hint of a romantic thing between him and Adelle? That sure would have been a twist! We’re just going to go ahead and pretend that’s cannon now.

“ . . .we’re not freak shows. Well, maybe I am, and Echo. Topher’s a little off, but Adelle, she’s a class act all the way.” ~ Alpha

Best love-conquers-all-eventually moment: Priya introducing T to his father, Anthony (now that he’s sworn off the tech he can officially retire “Victor”). Joss allowing a couple to have a happy ending? Pretty much unheard of, right?

Character most softened to the point of being downright cuddly: Adelle. If you were to look at the woman we met in the first episode of the series, would you ever have expected her to turn out to be the motherly, nurturing, leader that Adele transformed into? Whoever just said “yes” is lying. Unless they are Joss. Then maybe.

Most missed: Claire/Whiskey. What happened to her at the end of Epitaph One? Did she fight off the invaders? Did she die? We knew that she wasn’t going to be in this episode, but her absence was definitely felt (at least by us).

Bonus lesbians: Mag (Felicia Day) turned out to be at least a little gay (we’re thinking full on lesbian, but we won’t be too presumptuous) when she revealed that she thought “the little asian’s kind of cute.” That little asian would be Kilo (Maurissa Tanchoroen). I think that during their year of confinement underground Mag will have a pretty good shot with Kilo, even if she is/was a tech head.

Best failure at a rousing speech: Paul.

Paul: The world still needs heroes, kid.
[Everyone pauses and then laughs.]
Echo: Did you really just say that?
Paul: What, I was being inspirational.
Echo: You are so corny.
Paul: You’re . . . fat.

There is much more that should be discussed, but frankly . . . I’m still a little fragile. So thanks for the memories, Dollhouse. See you on DVD.

PS: Somone please employ Enver Gjokaj ASAP. He is almost definitely the best actor Joss has ever stumbled upon. He deserves to be working, and preferably on a TV show where were can watch him every week.

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