Friday, September 25, 2009

Grey's Anatomy - Yup. George is dead. Sorry.

8 hours of TV recorded on Thursday night, and all me managed to make it through was Grey’s Anatomy and Community? Fail on our part. We started watching Bones, but Direct TV completely jumbled Fox from about 8:30 on – so that was a no go. Grrrr! So here’s a Grey’s recap for now.

Grey’s Anatomy

If you don’t know that George is dead by now, then you don’t deserve to watch TV. Shonda and Co. made no attempt to keep the fates of George and Izzie a secret. George was a gone, while Izzie annoyingly came back to life. Way to ignore her DNR, guys! We totally could have been rid of her!

The premier was 2 hours and covered 40 days in Grey’s time. Everyone grieved in their own way, which included a lot of sex on Meredith and Derek’s part. George’s Mom stuck Callie with the decision of what to do with his organs, as if she wasn’t traumatized enough by the death of her ex. Izzie of course was the only one qualified to make the most obvious decision. I mean, come on, what douchey doctor would refuse organ donation?!? So yes, sadness, mourning, etc. At the funeral Izzie pulled a Mary Tyler Moore and started laughing her ass off (topical Chuckle’s funeral episode reference – what what!). As much as I hate her, the scene made us giggle:

Izzie (still guffawing): George is dead. He's dead. They're about to put him in the ground, and the priest is doing classic rock lyrics, and that girl, that redhead, is crying harder than his mother.

Cristina: You are far more twisted than I ever realized.

Izzie, to Meredith: And you got married on a Post-It!

Meredith: I got married on a Post-It, I did.

Cristina, to Izzie and Alex: And you guys got married for real?!

Izzie: And I got cancer? What?

Yeah, that was pretty much our reaction to last season too.

A little further down the line, Callie checked in with the Chief to see if she was going to get the Ortho Attending position she applied for. Apparently some old dude that we’ve never seen before isn’t retiring, so there is no position for Callie. She flips, and rightly so. She gets to have a nice sassy rant about being a superstar with a scalpel, an tells him that he’s going to rue this day.

"Yeah, I used the word Rue!"

All of this went down in front of Skinner Mitch Pileggi (who is playing a member of the Hospital board, but I'm too lazy to look up his character name). The hire-ups are staging a coup. They’re trying to get rid of the Chief and make Derek the new Chief of Surgery. Did they not hear about his strife beard period last year? Ah well. The Chief has sufficiently pissed us off by being mean to Callie and Arizona, and other people who we care slightly less about.

Don’t worry too much about Callie though. She gets an open Ortho Attending position at Mercy West instead. Oh no, does this mean we’ll see less of Callie? We would be worried if we didn’t already know that Mercy West and Seattle Grace are going to be merging. People who aren’t spoiler whores might have not known this until the end of the episode. So good for you guys! Also happening in Callie land – Mark moves into the apartment across the hall from Callie (and Christina, as we assume this is still the same apartment from last season). Lexie is a little concerned, since Callie has no problem changing in the hall in front of them, or standing in the bathroom while Mark is in the shower to have a conversation of the chief.

Lexie: How gay are you on a scale of one to gay? Because even if you really are gay, he's not. And you're hot.

Callie (sweetly): ''He doesn't look at my boobs anymore. … Not since he met you.'

Awww, that’s nice. Until we realize that she totally didn’t answer the question. Well, we know she’s still dating Arizona, so that’s good enough for us for now.

Speaking of Arizona, she’s spent most of this episode hanging out with Martha Plimpton and her 15 year-old son who is having growing pains of death. She butts heads with the chief, who is being too much of whiny cheapskate to authorize the tests Arizona needs to help fix the kind. After some sneaky business sending the kid to Mercy West to guilt Callie into running the tests (which she does, but isn’t too happy about it), she finally figures out what she thinks is wrong, but needs Derek to authorize tests to prove it (the Chief would of course reject these as well). She and Derek have a nice little moment where she says she finally gets why they call him McDreamy. She’s quick to point out that she’s involved with someone (like he doesn’t already know that?), but still – she gets it. The find the problem which would have never been caught if it wasn’t for this test, and his spine is fixed with a quick snip.

Owen and Cristina have been gradually working their up to a relationship, and finally talk about the whole choking incident. They are cute together and we love them.

Whenever Lexie wasn’t worried about Callie getting up on her man or hanging out with boating accident survivor Clara (or Ceviche as Cristina nicknamed her), so was feeling bad about not being a better friend to George. She did basically completely cut him out and stop talking to him after he refused to acknowledge her affections for him. This led Mark to ask the question no one dared ask:

"This may be bad timing, but I gotta ask: What did that guy have? He wasn't much to look at, but you and Stevens and Torres? Tell the truth. Was he, you know, hung?"

She doesn’t answer, so the world may never know.

In other news, Bailey is grieving weirdly and spends a lot of time yelling at Cristina and riding the elevator. Izzie gets to go home because her cancer is just hanging out being lame like her – meaning it’s not bad enough to keep her as a surgical patient, but she still has cancer and she’ll need to keep up with her treatment and just live with it. In Courntey’s words, Izzie’s cancer sucks just as much as she does. Sex crazed MerDer banish Izzie and Alex to Derek’s trailer (ummm, thanks?). Alex and Izzie aren’t exactly in wedded bliss – but I don’t care about Izzie enough to talk about her any more.

And more stuff happened with more people. Man this episode was long!

To wrap it up, because this is WAY too long again (I fail at shot blog entries this week), the Chief announces that Seattle Grace and Mercy West will be merging (as previously spoiled earlier in the blog) and people are going to get fired, so watch your back!

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