Monday, September 28, 2009

We've got TV coming out our ears!

After a massive amount of DVR catch-up, we are mostly up to date of viewing, but not nearly up to date on blogging! So here begins the completely random entries for shows in absolutely no particular order:

Modern Family
We really didn’t think we were going to like this, but recorded it just in case. The promos for it really didn’t do it justice. There were several things that made us very happy – enough to add it into our DVR prioritizer.

Flash Forward

Really trying to be the new Lost. We see where you’re going with this, guys. We were sufficiently weirded out by both Joseph Fiennes and Sonya Walger doing American accents, but we got over that pretty quickly. We’re interested. I have a feeling that I might get a little sick of seeing their flashes repeated ad nauseum (I feel like we saw him take a swig out of that flask about 30 times), but we’ll see. Our hopes are high, and we’re looking forward to Charlie  Dominic Monaghan.

We’re digging it so far. There were some moments that were extra piloty, and I personally find Rebecca Romijn’s acting a teensy bit forced every once in a while, but then she’ll do something to amuse me and I get over it. We enjoy Lindsey Price – hope this goes better than Lipstick Jungle for her. Jamie Ray Newman’s character is pleasing me a lot so far. Meanwhile, we wish Sara Rue would gain some weight back – we liked her better with some meat on her bones. And hey, Veronica Cartwright – you’re right, this totally has happened before! Like, oh say in 1987? You remember! Then again, you had a different character name then, but you were totally around.

Parks and Recreations

We’re still one week behind on this, but we did finally see the premier featuring a gay penguin wedding and surprise performance of “Parets Just Don’t Understand.” This episode was a vast improvement on last season. Let’s see if it can keep up the momentum

America’s Next Top Model
Short people continue to be short. Emphasized by making them walk next to really tall people. That’s about all I have to say about that.

Saturday Night Live
Meghan Fox is lame, Kristen Wiig is working overtime on the funny (we love her, so we’re fine with that), one of the new girls accidentally dropped the F-bomb, and Keenan Thompson continues to keep our All That childhood alive in a very good way. Rocky start to the season. Let’s see where this goes.

Project Runway
This was a really interesting challenge, finally! Designing a costumer for a character that they get to make up from a genre they got to pick in order of there names beign drawn. Poor Epperson – always at the bottom of the bag! He got stuck with Western, which everyone was avoiding like the plague. He, however, had one of the best designs, so well played! The judges (whom still didn’t include Michael Kors or Nina Garcia!) chose Nicolas as the winner, and while we liked the design, it wasn’t our favorite. He did, however, put the most thought into the character he created – so we’ll give him some credit there. We really don’t like him in general, but we aren’t too upset about the win. We ARE getting really annoyed that Gordanna keeps ending up in the bottom, even though her work has been spotless, at least from the technical standpoint. She seems to have trouble stepping thinking out of the box, but her clothes always look so nice! Ra’mon ended up being sent home, which is fair because his outfit was hideous. We were really worried, though, because we like his model a lot. Luckily, Models of The Runway shower us that after this challenge all of the designers are forced to pick a model other than the one they used on the previous challenge. This led to her being safe, and Louise’s model (who we hate) getting the boot, kind of by default. Phew! And FYI, I just read that Michael Kors will be back next week and Nina will be back later in October. Maybe then things will start making sense again!

1 comment:

  1. If you liked FlashForward join the Mosaic Collective, the website mentioned in the premiere!
    For more FlashForward goodness, check out this cool application so you can have a flashforward of your own! What will your future be?
