Thursday, September 17, 2009

So You Think You Can Glee

First off we'd like to lodge a formal complaint that DirecTv hates Fox in HD. OR it hates us. This could be equally possible. For some reason this channel is an Epic Fail in HD. It always freezes up, the sound goes wonky, and it ends up skipping huge chunks of episodes. As a result we've had to totally bail on trying to record anything in HD on Fox. This is particularly bothersome since Fox has so many of the shows that we really want in HD (Dollhouse, Fringe, Glee, Bones, are all way prettier in HD). Whatevs.

Anyway, on to our non-HD viewing of Fox from last evening.

So You Think You Can Dance

We had a rocking good b-boy, a reasonably talented deaf girl who made Mary cry, an enjoyable male same-sex couple that made Mia cry, and an overly excited guy whose screams of joy made my ears cry. We got to see a bit more of the choreography round this episode - which filled us with Pasha and Anya love. Once again, we didn't really get to see that many dancers (a casualty of the 1hr format), and they seemed to be overly focusing on the girls.

Most importantly, we're pretty sure Cat Deeley saved Jarvis's life. The aforementioned  overly excited screaming guy got through the choreographer (much to Nigel and Mia's own shock when they agreed to send him there), and promptly had a asthma attack (although at the time he thought it might have been a heart attack). Who came rushing to his side? A medic, maybe a producer or two . . . and CAT DEELEY, BITCHES! That right. She was at his side the whole time, while the other contestants danced around them (the show must go on). She supported him as he hobbled off stage. When was the last time you saw Seacrest do that, hmmmmmmm?


Glee continues to fill our hearts with joy. There is so much to love about this show. For example, the following progression of events which pretty much made me pee my pants.

Can't even handle it. Best. Cake. Ever.

On a more heartwarming note, Kurt made us cry a little when he came out to Mercedes. *SPOILER ALERT* Word on the street is that we'll be seeing him come out to his father next week. *END SPOILER ALERT* But seriously, Mercedes? Girl needs to work on her gaydar. Like whoa. At least she got a fierce musical number out of it.

Big shout outs to Victor Garber and Debra Monk as Will's parents! Neither of them broke out into song this week, but I think we can be pretty confident that they'll show up again. Victor Garber's bow ties stole the show, and Courtney's heart (which has always belonged to him anyway - so that's cool).

Will slayed me with all of the "This is how we do it"'s he sang straight at the camera. Every time. Win.

And now, some of our favorite quotes from the night:

“The way you use your mental illness to help these kids is really inspiring…and I’m SHOCKED you’re not married!” ~ Sue to Emma

“'Who’s Josh Groban?' Kill yourself!” ~ Sandy

“Josh Groban loves a blousy alcoholic.” ~ Josh Groban trying to seduce Will's drunk mother.

“They say it takes more certainty than talent to become a star. I mean look at John Stamos.” ~ Emma

Speaking of John Stamos, you might recognize Whit Hertford (who played Dakota Stanley in tonight's episode) from his turn as Walter (AKA Duck-lips) on Full House.

On a side note, did anyone else think the saw Lauren from Season 3 of SYTYCD in the front row of Vocal Adrenaline? Apparently she was uncredited in the Pilot (probably in their Rehab number).

This post was brought to you by Victor Garber's Bow Tie

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  1. I just watched it and of course came right to your blog AND I thought I did see Lauren in the Mercy number! I was wondering to myself, "I wonder, did they use any SYTYCD people in this number?" and then I thought I saw her.

  2. Ok, it should read "song and dance man Victor Garber" - can't forget his full title. I do hope he comes back for some singing. I also loved the "this is how we do it" and want that so badly to be my text message alert.

