Friday, October 2, 2009

Bones ~ The Plain in the Prodigy

This episode of Bones centered around the death of an young piano prodigy. The catch – he was Amish – no piano for you! While on his Rumspringa (a period of time when Amish youth are allowed to leave to experience the “English” world and decide whether they want to return to commit themselves to Amish adulthood) he was going to audition for the music conservatory. Music is forbidden in the Amish community, so this would mean leaving behind his family and religion, and the cute little Amish girl he was set to marry. As it turned out, he had decided to return home, and had even broken his hand so as to remove the piano playing temptation. However, he ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time – he put up a fight while his apartment was being robbed, and fell over the balcony to his death (the robber threw his body onto the train tacks and it was dragged for a couple of miles, leaving bits of the remains all over the place). This case was really rare in the fact that the murderer was someone we had not been introduced to at any point in the episode – in fact we never even learned his name! Bold choice, Bones.

The funniest moment in the episode was given away in the commercials, but I still loved it. Booth and Brennan go to the apartment of another Amish boy in his Rumspringa, whom the lived had lived with at some point. The boy opens the door with a bong in his hand, and through the door we get a glimpse of Amish kids smoking, drinking, and making out. Brennan yells into the room:

“This is not in the proper spirit of Rumspringa!”

I knew it was coming, but I still died.

Other notable moments were Booth and Brennan talking about religion, their First Times, and Booth scaring the crap out of a teenage boy dating Cam’s teenager Michelle.

“Quite ornate for a vow of poverty” – Brennan on the Pope’s Hat

”I gave it a lot of thought. I finally found a man who could provide a skillful introduction.” – Brennan on her first time at 22

”The first time, you should be in love. Totally googoo for the other person.” Booth on his first time at 16.

Also, who don't the Amish girls take off their bonnets during Rumpringa? You're dumping everything else about your religion - why not that too?

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