Friday, December 4, 2009

FOXy Thursday: Bones and Fringe

Bones ~ The Gamer in the Grease

Here’s my beef with this week’s episode of Bones. The entire B-plot centered around Hodgins, Sweets, and Fisher (the depressed and apparent sex-god intern of the week) taking turns camping out for Avatar. Surrounded by people with painted blue faces and costumes. Seriously? NO ONE is going to be camping for Avatar. I know you guys are clearly being paid a lot of sponsor money to make us think we need to rush out and get our tickets in advance (BTW, there is no way we are seeing this movie), and that the actor who plays Fisher is apparently in it – so good for him, but there is no way we can take that seriously.

Also I felt bad for Cam this episode. It seems like she had nothing to do but run around and try to find people, or get stuck in the middle of Bones’ and Booth’s discussion on what should be considered a sporting event.

Oh and the flesh sliding off the body in the beginning was seriously nasty. And yet it didn’t gross us out half as much as the giant worm parasite on Fringe.

Fringe ~ Snakehead

Oh man those worms creeped me out. Nasty. When that thing started coming out of that poor Chinese guy’s mouth in the beginning I was totally ready to vomit. ICK! While the case was interesting and all, the really relevant parts of the episode revolved around Walter who wanted to be treated like an adult and was insisting on his independence. Unfortunately he found out that he wasn’t ready for such a big step. When he got separated from Astrid he forgot Peter’s phone number (and forgotten that he had a cord with all the contact info), and used up all of his spare change trying to call for help. And then he cried on the bus stop with that old Chinese lady who didn’t understand a thing he was saying, but she was kind enough to take him home and eventually got in contact with Peter. Broke our little hearts. And when he found out Astrid had be followed and hurt because of him and he saw her again back at the lab with blood on her shirt and tears in her eyes – I can’t even handle it. Love them so much. Luckily for all involved Walter implanted a tracking chip in his neck so that it wouldn’t happen again. Awwwww.

Here’s your observer sighting and glyph for the week:

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