Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How I Met Your Mother ~ Last Cigarette Ever

This week HIMYM got away with something that no other sitcom could ever think about doing. It was revealed that the gang have all been smokers to various degrees throughout the entire time we’ve known them. Sure, we’ve seen an occasional cigar, but actual hardcore addicted cigarette smoking? How could we have missed this? Simple: because Ted didn’t want his kids to know. Pure genius. Despite the title, this wasn’t anyone last cigarette ever - but they do all quite eventually. Robin’s smoking montage killed me (while brushing her teeth and doing yoga – awesome). Ted and Barney played the perfect casual smokers turned addicts. Lily’s smoker voice, supplied by the unmistakable Harvey Fierstein, was priceless. We also met Don Frank, Robin’s new co-anchor who is a total tool. They’ll be dating within 3 months. Eww.

What is an episode these days without a little time travel? Ok, this one was purely Marshal’s fantasy (unlike during “Window”, which I am taking to be completely true). He imagines going back in time and beating the crap out of 13 year old him for taking that first cigiarette. How is it that 13 year old Marshal looked like, well a 13 year old, but 15 year old Marshal looks just like present day Marshal with a rat tail and some zits? 14 was a rough year I suppose.

A couple of quotes:

Barney: What do you think cigarettes are doing right now? Do you think they're thinking of us?

Barney: I am not a smoker. I only smoke in certain situations: post-coital, when I'm with Germans, sometimes those two overlaps, coital, birthdays, to annoy my mom, pre-coital, on a sailboat, the day The Mets are mathematically eliminated every year, and, of course, wait for it, cause lord knows I have, pregnancy scares.
Ted: Why are you smoking right now?
Barney: I'm always pre-coital, Ted.

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